
Australia Day Celebrations

National identity?

Nationalism and national identity tend to be sold (by those in power at the time) as something timeless, something to be honoured because it has been around forever.  So these days on “Australia Day” we hear politicians and key Australians waxing lyrically on an important celebration and a public holiday across Australia that allows us to reflect on the history of Australia, and on the “first fleet” that came into Botany Bay in 1788.

The Australian - how low can you go?

Abbott's first 100 days

Abbott's first 100 days : the 'bring himself to' problem

The US pundits tell us that in the "first 100 days" of any new government you know everything you need to know about what that "new administration stands for".

If that is correct, then Australia will pay a huge price for its change of government in September 2013.

Broad generic

The broad generic describing the Abbott government at the end of its first 100 days is 'amoral'; it "stands for nothing"!

Abbott's first month - Comments


A month is a long time in politics. I was going to wait for the first 100 days to prepare the score card, as they do in the US after a presidential election, but a lot of water has flown under the bridge, and a few realities are already quite obvious, even before the first Question Time in the new parliament.

So, while the score-card may still happen, a few comments at the end of the first month seem to be well in order.


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