R-23 Fitzroy Crossing Region (K)


Broome 11,547


Derby 3,093

Fitzroy Crossing 928

Mowanjum 300

Super region:

Kimberley J.K

Hospital: http://healthengine.com.au/service/6023





Airport: http://www.broomeair.com.au/

Basin Authority:

Fitzroy Fraser Basin Authority (FFBA)

  • Geegully Ck
  • Drysdale R
  • Fitzroy R
  • Bungaragut Pool
  • Fraser R
  • Bungaragut Ck
  • Mitchell R
  • Mitchell River National Park
  • Mitchell Falls
  • Merton Falls

Coal Gas http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/1626037


State Pin 


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Thanks for checking this Region out.

This Region is prepared on the a-political concept that if you are interested in 'place' in Australia, the most important aspect that defines 'place', is the 'flow of water'. The Senate is interested in 'place'.

This Region defines its boundaries at the top of the ridge, where water flows one way rather than the other. This leads to a very interesting 'place'.

We are seeking a debate with people who live in this proposed new Region. We know we've got the Region pretty well correct; after all, it's just geography. But if you live in this Region you can tell us a lot of interesting things.

- Do these boundaries define a place that is unique; different to every other Region in Australia? We think that that is probably quite likely.

- Is it a great place, worthy of recognition?

- Upon formation, what should be the name of this Region? Who would be the Lord Mayor? Who would be the two Senators who represent this Region? Who would be the additional Senator that represents the interests of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples in this region? What benefit would there be in seeing this region as part of a super-region in the Kimberley?

- Would life be enhanced if it was on a fast Ring-Rail that links the Capital City to every other Capital City around Australia?


Land projected to be below annual flood level in 2050

Explore sea level rise and coastal flood threats by adjusting the controls below.

Comparison: long-term sea level outcomes

Comparison: long-term sea level outcomes

Aboriginal Australia:

  • Kwini
  • Miwa
  • Gamberre
  • Wunambul
  • Ngarinyin    
  • Worora
  • Worla
  • Kija
  • Umida
  • Unggarangi
  • Djawi
  • Warwa
  • Unggumi
  • Punuba
  • Gooniyandi 
  • Jaru
  • Nyikina
  • Bardi
  • Nyul Nyul
  • Jabirrjabirr
  • Ngumbarl
  • Nimanburu
  • Yawuru
  • Karajarri
  • Mangala
  • Walmatjarri
  • Ngangumarda


NOTE1: Likely indicators only; for original Aboriginal Australia Map © 1991 & restrictions on its copy & use, see Aboriginal Australia Map

NOTE2: The red line is part of the original Aboriginal Australia Map © 1991. The black line is added by Bloggerme for discussion only. It shows the likely State boundary based on the flow of water only. As "the ridge" (See FOWTOR) naturally impacts on the development of the language, social or nation groups of the Indigenous people of Australia, the proposed border is often identical to the group boundary shown on the Aboriginal Australia Map. This is as was expected. Variations are social/historical & result in a particular language, social or nation group being represented in two adjoining States.

Pin http://www.pinterest.com/pin/418553359092407236/


Other regional projections - CSIRO part of Monsoon North region

The CSIRO has regions for projecting the impact of Climate Change. See https://www.climatechangeinaustralia.gov.au/en/climate-projections/futur... This state, Fitzroy Crossing (K), is one of the clear projections in a CSIRO cluster called "Monsoon North region". CSIRO's Monsoon North region coincides exactly with BloggerMe's K,J,H,G,F,E,D,C,AF.

Other regional projections - NMR - part of Rangelands WA NRM

See http://nrmregionsaustralia.com.au/nrm-regions-map/

See http://nrmregionsaustralia.com.au/Rangelands-NRM-Coordinating-Group-Inc./

Gulf Savanna Region https://rangelandswa.com.au/

Nuclear weapons

Centre ground zero CGZ - Broome - 475 kilotons (431 kilotonnes)


NB: population 10km around Broome CBD  LEGEND


Population taken out by nuclear weapon = 13,081

Click here to:


The CSIRO has regions for projecting the impact of Climate Change. See https://www.climatechangeinaustralia.gov.au/en/climate-projections/futur... This state Fitzroy Crossing (K) is one of the clear projections in a CSIRO cluster called "Monsoon North region". CSIRO's Monsoon North region coincides exactly with BloggerMe's K,J,H,G,F,E,D,C,AF.


The Kimberley's leading Canning Basin exploration company, Buru Energy, has charted a meteoric share price rise and then an equally dramatic fall. Resources journalist Tim Treadgold says the price tracks the initial excitement around shale gas followed by the growing realisation that high costs make it unlikely to be profitable.
"One simple test is 'What's their share price done in the last two years?' It's down 90 per cent."
Mr Treadgold said that the crash of energy markets is only part of the problem facing the Australian exploration company.
"Two things have happened to Buru: the oil price has certainly given them a whack around the ears, but it has to every other oil company. But secondly, they really haven't discovered that much... The hardnosed investors are now looking at it and saying, 'Show me the gas, show me the market, and show me the business case.' And Buru has been found wanting."

READ more

An historic agreement to give Broome's traditional owners freehold title to more than 276,000ha of Kimberley cattle country. 
The deal between the Yawuru and the Indigenous Land Corporation gives the Yawuru exclusive ownership of the sprawling Roebuck Plains Station and the Roebuck Export Depot.
Yawuru leader Patrick Dodson: the signing was "a momentous milestone in our journey to rebuild the Yawuru nation".


The family of senior lawman of the Goolarabooloo and Custodian of the Northern Tradition, Mr. J. Roe who passed away in Perth yesterday, wish to inform his many friends and colleagues across Australia that they await with great sadness his return to his country.

The family will now begin preparations for his funeral here in Broome and would ask that they be allowed the privacy and space to make these preparations.

At this time the family would like to thank all those friends and colleagues who have maintained the vigil with them in the period between his becoming ill and his final demise.

He is a son, brother, father and husband to his family and a leader, teacher and spiritual guide to many Australians who believe in the importance of Aboriginal law and culture to this nation.

His legacy will be great and his passing will leave a gap in the lives of the many that his life has touched.

(Note via Peter Botsman)


Dear Friends,

I want to let you know about the first collaboration of the ISX with Pozible.

Aubrey Tigan is a legendary man and we need to get the word about his culture and his community. We also need to support Goolarri Media Enterprises in Broome. This organisation, which won WA's community organisation of the year last year, runs a 24 hour television and radio station and much more. Most of all it creates careers in the media for Aboriginal young people. With these things in mind, I hope you will watch the trailer at this link and make a special effort to support this project.

Yours truly

Peter Botsman

National Secretary


Websites associated with this email list


Meeting of minds on the shores of a desert lake:   In 2008 a flaked stone cobble was unearthed on the...

Ed: see also http://hallscreektourism.com.au/pages/paruku-indigenous-protected-area-l...

Greens fear Aboriginal burial sites north of Broome will be destroyed unless the Gillard government stops Woodside

We're all looking at the weather reports - looks like there could be some wild weather in on Monday!...

The “Botsman report” explores the interconnected roles of the WA government, Woodside Petroleum and the Kimberley Land Council that have resulted in a proposal for a massive gas hub at James Price Point. The report outlines the major meetings and dealings of the parties involved, revealing major flaws in the process. Moreover, the report provides a compelling case for the proposed development at JPP to be permanently shelved and for the ultimate protection of that country. Subsequently, recent conflict of interest and probity issues surrounding the EPA, WA government and Woodside have emerged that further raise serious questions about the integrity of the process. There is no better time than now, with final environmental and investment decisions pending, for better public understanding of the process to date as outlined in this report.


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A new study suggests that ancient Kimberley rock art may record the demise of a local Aboriginal culture.

"power and voice of TOs is “quiet revolution” of the James Price Point controversy. It’s time we heard more about it."

"power and voice of TOs is “quiet revolution” of the James Price Point controversy. It’s time we heard more about it."

WA has made another mistake in its attempt to compulsorily acquire the land for the controversial Kimberley gas hub.

Patrick Dodson disappointed about “yet another education process” to inform public about need to recognise ATSI people

Australian drunk survives attempt to ride crocodile

June Oscar: FASD is at 40% Fitzroy Crossing: "This is the biggest issue facing the nation"

NT suffering a form of ''collective amnesia'' about reasons liquor bans were imposed in first place

WA study of impact excessive drinking on unborn Aboriginal children reveals devastating rate of intellectual disability

: Remote Kimberley communities to benefit from improved energy efficiency

: More support for families in Fitzroy Crossing

12 Spectacular Shots from a Kimberley Adventure:

Indigenous-only jail could provide model for NT: The superintendent of a new Indigenous-only prison in W...

[Sky News: Business] Aboriginal concerns halt oil project

Speaking at the Concert for the Kimberley, tonight at 6 pm Federation Square, Melbourne.

Can anyone help me out: I'm looking to get into contact with any Tweeps who live in . It's for a Community Planning uni project.



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